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Guest Post – Guidelines:

We only Accept Submissions from Individual Bloggers

2 followed links to your own blog or website only

No affiliate links.

No links to other websites which aren’t yours

Our minimum post length is 1000 words

It must include two original pictures or royalty-free pictures.

Must be original content that’s not published elsewhere – No plagiarism!

No spam, hate speech, or inappropriate swearing

Author’s Bio Included

Posts Must Be Pitch Free – You aren’t writing to sell a product or recommend a particular product or service. You’re writing to share your expertise, information, insights, and ideas with our audience.

Best Performing Guest Posts:

Always provide actionable tips and practical advice.

Lists (e.g., examples, tips, tools, tactics).

How-to articles/guides.

Explainer posts (e.g., what is…/why x matters).

A solution to a problem.

Paragraphs – Try to be concise. Always try to keep your paragraphs short. Short paragraphs are easier to understand and digest (particularly on mobile), help drive your point across, and encourage reading in this age of information overload and short attention spans.

Must be submitted with the following elements in place:

SEO Title: Make sure this matches your headline.

Slug: This is the same as your URL/Permalink.

Meta Description: Optimize for search and give readers a reason to click in 1-2 concise sentences (around 20-27 words).

Focus keyword: What search query do you want to rank for?

Editorial Review and Corrections:

If we find out authors aren’t writing their own posts, we reserve the right to reject or delete the post, as well as prohibit the author from writing for EcommerceChamp going forward.

We may add a disclaimer at the end of any article to disclose any relationships (or lack thereof) that either  EcommerceChamp or the author may have with organizations mentioned in the article.

In the instance of corrections to the byline, facts, or updates to published articles,  EcommerceChamp reserves the right to edit any post at any time. Post changes may be noted with a note from the editor about the change and the reasoning for the update or change, if applicable.

Our goal is ~2 weeks from the time you submit your post draft to publication.

Quality Assurance and Review Process:

No plagiarism! We use CopyScape and it is at the Executive Editor’s decision whether the offense warrants a warning or removal from the Contributing Experts roster.

No self-plagiarism: You can’t “borrow” sentences from your own prior published content, or from company blog posts (or other written materials). If you’re going to use someone else’s words/thoughts, it must be properly attributed.

This plagiarism checker will make sure the content is completely original and not pilfered from elsewhere. It can detect whole sentences that have been lifted from other articles. SmallSEOTools has a free Plagiarism Checker you can use by simply pasting in text, it will then search the web to check the text for originality.

Similar to the Plagiarism Checker, you can use Google’s image search to make sure the guest poster’s images are original and/or they have correct permission to use them.

Please review our Terms and conditions and for your reference.



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